The Orinda Association, started in 1946, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life in Orinda, promoting awareness and encouraging dialogue among Orinda residents on issues of importance to the community, and mobilizing volunteer efforts to enhance the beauty, character and security of Orinda.
The Orinda News, another long standing tradition of the Orinda Association, has always printed news of special interest to the community and is still delivered free to every household and business in Orinda. The monthly publication is now available on-line for your convenience. Click onto The Orinda News page.
Orinda Association Office at 26 Orinda Way, Library Plaza
Signature Programs and Events
Orinda Volunteer Center: coordinates community based volunteering, donor drop-offs, ticket sales, advertising, information center.
The Orinda News: a community centered monthly newspaper.
Seniors Around Town: a door-to-door, on-demand transportation program for Orinda Seniors.
Public Forums: coordinates meetings about topics impacting the community